The Type and Layout sessions with Graham Tansley on a thursday morning have now finished due to the reseach week next week which gives me time to reflect on what I have done in the workshops and where to go from here. Type or Image? I still have no idea what I would like to do, I would like to feel that I am a confident layout orgainsiser who has certain typefaces for favorites and likes to draw and compose images in his spare time.
The workshops with graham have taught me various things about type, working with appropriate point sizes, weight, case, serif/sans serif and using them effectively in situations to reflect their usage, readability, legibility etc. Then moving onto sentences and paragraphs when the use of these factors alters to suit the needs of its application, and today moving onto the use of a full page spread which is kind of fun to play with. But most of what we have learnt, I have realised, is subjective and the opinions of how you read and such differ from each individual. This was most apparent when working with single works where even each serif became significant to the design and was I think why when it came to designing the layout for some sample text plus images the results were so varied and a lot of it came down to personal tastes. Who was right/wrong?

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